
VMware and SRIM Installation Guide

The SRIM simulation can only be run on the English version of Windows XP. Therefore, you must either use a computer with the English version of Windows XP or set up a virtual machine to run the simulation.

1. VMware Installation

Download VMware. Download VMware Workstation Player 16.0

Install VMware on your host machine.

2. Run VMware Virtual Machine

Execute a VMware virtual machine.

3. Add XP ISO File

  1. Download the XP ISO File by clicking "ISO IMAGE" at the left of the page.
  2. Add the XP ISO file to the virtual machine.
  3. Enter the product key J3GMD-RMM3Q-HKC62-TV8Y8-246Q3.
  4. Set the username in English.

4. Paste Specific Files

Copy the following files to the virtual machine's c:\windows\system32\ folder:

Click file names to download.

5. Copy SRIM-2013-Std.exe

  1. Here, you can download the SRIM 2013 version. The standard version is suitable for this purpose.
  2. Once you have downloaded the file, please note that the file extension is "e". You will need to change it to "exe" before proceeding with the installation.
  3. Copy the SRIM-2013-Std.exe file to the virtual machine.

6. Extract and Execute the Copied File

  1. Place the copied file in a specific folder. Using the desktop folder is not recommended
  2. Execute the file, and it will be extracted to that folder.

SRIM Ion Implantation Guide

SR.EXE: Calculates the R(range) and ΔR(delta range), outputting the data.

TRIM.EXE: Simulates the location and projectile of implanted ions, the damage to the target and so on.

Ion Data

Select the type of implantation ion in the ion data section.

Target Layers

Input information about the target, including:

Input Elements to Layer

Set the elements for the selected layer: